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Office of the District Development Commissioner Ramban Job Advertisement

Office of the District Development Commissioner Ramban Job Advertisement

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Applications are invited for engagement of Aspirational Block Programme (ABP) Fellow, purely on contractual basis for a period of 01 year to work in Block Khari of District Ramban.

S.No.PostNo. of PostsEligibility Criteria
01Aspirational Blocks Programme (ABP) Fellow011. Post-Graduation in any discipline from a reputed institution. 2. Should possess data analysis and presentation skills. 3. Should be conversant with use of social media. 4. Should possess Project Management Skills. 5. Experience of working/ Internship with a Development Organization. 6. Self-driven with good communication skills. 7. Knowing the local language of the respective Aspirational Block is a requirement for Aspirational Block Fellow. 8. Well conversant with English, Hindi, Urdu and Local language as the work requires field level interaction. 9. Preference will be given to the candidate who has completed their higher education in the Development/

Rural Stream.

Government of Jammu and Kashmir Office of the District Development Commissioner



Engagement of Aspirational Block Programme (ABP) Fellow.

Circular instructions issued by NITI Aayog, Govt, of India dated 25.08.2023.

Advertisement Notification No…01..DDCR of 2023

Dated: 25.11.2023.

Applications are invited for engagement of Aspirational Block Programme (ABP) Fellow, purely on contractual basis for a period of 01 year to work in Block Khari of District Ramban.

Age Limit:

Minimum = 21 Years Maximum = 40 Years

Remuneration: The engagee Aspirational Block Fellow will get stipend @ Rs. 55,000/- per month.

How to Apply: Applicants should submit their application forms in the prescribed format as per the notification by enclosing relevant attested copies of certificates in a closed envelop on any working day from 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM by or before 05.12.2023.

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The application forms can also be submitted through registered post/ speed post/ courier to the address of Joint Director Planning

(CPO) Ramban, District Administrative Complex (DAC), Maitra Ramban, Pin 182144 or emailed at [email protected]

before 4.00 PM on 05.12.2023.

Selection Process: The selection shall be based on:


Weightage to Academic Merit in minimum

eligible qualification (i.e Post-Graduation) on pro-rata basis : 80 Points


Viva-Voce : 20 Points


The short listed candidates @ 1:5 ratio) shall be called for viva-voce after the scrutiny of application forms.

Tenure of AB fellows: The tenure of Aspirational Block Fellow will initially be for a period of one year. The program allows for one-year extension of the fellowship, contingent upon the fellow’s satisfactory performance and demonstration of contributions to the programme’s objective.

Role & Responsibilities of Asnirational Blocks Fellow:

The Aspirational Blocks Fellows will be positioned as a critical link between the Block level Officials and NITI Aayog. Their primary responsibilities will include:

1. Will assist the District and Block administration in implementation of Aspirational Block Programme.


Collaborating with Block level Officials to design and execute development strategies aligned with ABP thematic areas.

  1. Conducting regular field visits to assess project implementation address challenges and collect ground-level insights to ensure that the interventions are response to people’s needs and demands.
  2. Analyzing data and providing evidence-based recommendations to BLOs, District Level Officials to optimize developmental initiatives.

Organizing workshops, awareness campaigns, and skill building programs to empower the local community.

Keeping States and NITI Aayog abreast with the issues, challenges and need for support.

Help in the documentation of good governance practices.

Use the ABP portal to assess the performance of the Block and communicate to all the Block level Officials.

To attend all the training programmes conduct by NITI Aayog State Government or District.

  1. To send reports at regular intervals to the Deputy Commissioner / Joint Director Planning Office /Block Development officer/State Nodal officer/NIT| Aayog regarding the performance of the Block.
  2. To work under the overall guidance of the Deputy Commissioner /Joint Director Planning /District level implementation and
    monitorina committee
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Office of the District Development Commissioner Ramban Job Advertisement

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