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NHPC Limited Job Vacancies 2024

NHPC Limited Job Vacancies 2024

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NHPC Kishanganga Power Station

NHPC Limited

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

Bandipora (J&K) – 193502

57/ Phone:01957-225008

No. NH/KGPS/HR/2023/

Dated: 03.01.2023


Kishanganga Power Station (330 MW) a unit of NHPC Limited, a Schedule-“A” Enterprise Govt. of India invites application from candidates who meet the requisite qualification and other parameters for engagement of Apprentices under Apprentices Act 1961 (as amended time to time) for a period of one year in trades /discipline mentioned below:-

S. No.Designated trade / course
No. of seats Required Qualification
Technical – NAPS portal
1Electrician 10
Minimum 10th Pass from recognized Board with Vocational Training Certificate issued
2Plumber 4
by National Council for Vocational Iraining or State Council for Vocational Training or any
3Fitter 5
authority recognized by Central Goverment in the specific prescribed trade (duration

Carpenter 2
one year or more)
5Computer Operator and Programming 4 Assistant (COPA)

6Computer Hardware and Network Maintenance 4 (CHNM)

Para medical – NATS portal

7 General Duty Assistant 2 Diploma in General Nursing or Vocational Certificate or equivalent qualification issued by National Council for Vocational Training or State Council for Vocational Training or any authority recognized by Central Government
8Pharmacist 3
Diploma in Pharmacy or Vocational Certificate or equivalent qualification issued by National Council for Vocational Training or State Council for Vocational Training or any authority recognized by Central Government
9Multipurpose Health Worker 2
Diploma in General Nursing/ Multipurpose Health Worker or Vocational Certifcate or equivalent qualification issued by National Council for Vocational Training or State Council forVocational Training or any authority recognized by Central Government
10Dresser 2
Diploma in Nursing / Dressing or Vocational Certificate or equivalent qualification issued by National Council for Vocational Training or State Council for Vocational Training or any authority recognized by Central Government
dates)Total Apprentice required (Subject to availability of candi- 38

*The qualification prescribed shall be from a recognised University/Institute as a full time regular course in relevant discipline. Qualification acquired through part time time -The mini/listance lenitis 1 years as neate othere advertis ime nible.
Age Limit -The minimum age limit is 18 years as on date of the advertisement

2. Period of Apprenticeship Training:-The period of apprenticeship training will be for a period of one year. However, latest provisions of Apprenticeship Act, 3.


1961 shall be implemented in due course of time.

Reservation – Reservation for SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy) and EWS will be as per the provision of the Apprenticeship Act 1961 and the rules framed there under as amended till date.

Preference will be given as under:

(0) First preference will be given to Project Affected families.

ii) Second preference will be given to candidates of Bandipora District, Jammu & Kashmir. (im) Candidates of other Districts of Jammu & Kashmir will be given third preference.

5. Selection Criteria:- The selection of Apprentice shall be based on the merit of marks secured in the specific course for Technical Grades (S.No. 1 to 6) and Paramedical Grades (S.No./ to 10). Result awaited candidates need not to apply..

Medical Fitness:-The candidate will have to submit fitness certificate from Govt. Hospital at the time of joining.

Stipend:- During the training period stipend will be paid as prescribed in Apprenticeship Act 1961/Rules.

  1. On completion of Apprenticeship training, the Corporation has no obligation to offer employment to such of apprentices nor any apprentice can daim right for employment on the ground of completion of Apprentice Training.
  2. No boarding/lodging and transportation will be provided to any candidate by Kishanganga Power Station, NHPC Ltd. 10 Those who have already undergone training under the Apprentice Act 1961 or already engaged in other work profile are not eligible to apply.

11. Howto Apply:-a)
The candidate must go through the Terms & conditions as mentioned in the Notification.

b) The candidate must have valid A adhar number, Mobile Number & t-mail ID before applying for apprenticeship. Candidates should register themselves


on the portal http://apprenticeshipindia.org forS.No. 1 to 6 and https://nats.education.gov.in for S.No. 7 to 10 respectively.

Thopona egre Har shes, Domdicentate (aste Cetficats (SS1/0X ENS), Alchar cand, Pi ard eiC athe reoy hentioed

address by Speed post/Registered post within 10 days of last date of application.

Sr. Manager (HR),

Kishangang a Power Station, Bandipora,

Jammu & Kashmir – 193502.

  1. The candidates shortlisted shall have to produce all original testimonials/certificate such as educational certificates, professional certificates, caste certificate and domicile at the time of verification. In case of any information/claim made by applicant in his/her application is found to be false, the candidature of such applicant shall be cancelled and he/she shall be liable for prosecution.
  2. Last date for submission of online application: On or before 20.01.2024.

Note:-Candidates should clearly note that Kishanganga Power Station, NHPC Limited will in no case be responsible for rejection of application or incomplete application or any delay in receipt thereof on any account whatsoever for which the candidate will solely be responsible.

For and on Behalf of NHPC Limited Kishanganga

Power Station, Kralpora Distt. BandiporaJ&K 193502


Date: 5-1-2024

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NHPC Limited Job Vacancies 2024

NHPC Limited Job Vacancies 2024

NHPC Limited Job Vacancies 2024

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