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Green Campus Ganderbal-191201 (1&K)
Online applications are invited in the prescribed format through CU.
Chayan portal link (https://curec-samarth.ac.in) from eligible candidates for appointment of Professors on substantive basis in the departments of English, Information Technology, Economics, Education, Tourism Studies, Urdu, Politics & Governance, Physics, Religious Studies, Teacher Education, Physical Education, Chemistry, Kashmiri, Plant Sciences and Civil Engineering
The detailed notification regarding the number of vacancies, eligibility and other terms and conditions is available on the University website www.cukashmicac.in. The online applications shall be available on CU-Chayan Portal wef 1s September, 2023. The last date for submission of online application form/s is 21 September, 2023 & the submission of downloaded application form/s along with annexures is 29* September, 2023.
No. CUKmr/RCT/F.No.456/23/1943
Sd/ Registrar
Dared: 24-085773
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