HomeGovt JobsInstitute of Mental Health & Neurosciences Kashmir Job Vacancies 2024

Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences Kashmir Job Vacancies 2024

Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences Kashmir Job Vacancies 2024

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Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences Kashmir


(Govt. Psychiatric Diseases Hospital, kathidarwaza Rainawari Sgr.)

An Associated hospital of Govt. Medical College, Srinagar

Date: 01.01.2024


Date of commencement of submission of online application forms = 04-01-2024 from 04:00 PM onwards.

Last date of submission of online applications

= 11-01-2024 up-to 04:00 PM.

Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates of the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir for engagement against the below mentioned positions on contract basis initially for a period of one year for hiring the services of candidates under the National Drug De-addiction Programme (DDAP) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOH&FW) Govemment of India for Drug Treatment Centre Scheme (DTC), at Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences-Kashmir:-S.No Post

IN. of Posts Msental Outation:/Experience

1. Medical Officer 01

MBBS from a recognized institution (Preferably: MD or equivalent qual- 45,000/-lification in Psychiatry).

12. Nurse

GNM/ B.Sc Nursing.



Terms & Conditions:-

  1. Those candidates who have already applied for these positions under Al Fin response to Notification NO. PSY/HOD/2023/ IMHANS/ATF/174-86 Dated. 25-10-2023. need not to apply again.
  2. The selection for all these positions notified under advertisement No. ATF PSY/HOD/2023/IMHANS/ATF/1074-86 and the posts indicated herein above shall be made on the basis of merit obtained by the candidates in the written test to be conducted subsequently.
  3. In case of tie in the marks obtained in the written test between two or more candidates, the following methodology shall be adopted:-
  1. Candidate having higher qualification shall be given preference.
  2. In case of candidates having same qualification, the candidates having higher percentage of marks in the prescribed qualification shall be given preference.
  3. In case of tie does not get resolved by above two methods the candidate being higher in age shall be given preference.
  1. The contractual engagement is not being made against any substantive post and as such would not confer any right upon the hired persons for regular/permanent appointment The Contractual engage shall have to furnish an affidavit duly attested by the First Class Judicial Magistrate to the effect that he/she will not claim any regular appointment at any future date on the strength of this contractual engagement.
  2. The engagement will be Initially made for one year only, or till continuation of the scheme whichever is earlier and will be extended on yearly basis subject to the satisfactory performance of the candidate/approval of the competent authority and

i. Availability of Budget: ii. Continuation of this Scheme:

  1. If a contractual engagee at any point of time willfully neglects or refuses to perform his/her, engagement shall, be terminated forthwith without any notice and he/she shall not be entitled to any salary for such period.
  2. No T.A/D.A etc. shall be paid to the candidates for participation in the written test/interview.
  3. The selected candidate shall have to execute an agreement that he/she will not leave the department before the completion of one year’s contract. However, ahandoning/termination of the engagement in the specialty will require one month’s prior notice on either side, falling which the remuneration shall not be paid for one month to the incumbent which shall always remain in deposit with the department and shall be released on completion of sanctioned term.
  4. Only candidates having valid registration of the degree/diploma with MCI/SMF/PMC can participate in the selection process.
  5. The selected candidates have to work as per the Job assigned under the above referred scheme.
  1. The candidate must be in possession of all requisite certificates/documents in original and no document/certificate issued beyond the cutoff date shall be accepted/ entertalned.
  2. In case of large number of applications for the above positions, the candidates will be shortlisted for the interview/ written test in accordance with the number of positions/availability of space.

Instructions for applying online:-

  1. The necessary instructions for filing up of online form and submission of fee details shall be available on Government Medical College website (WWW.gmcs.edu.in).
  2. Separate links for filling up online application forms for these positions shall be available on the official website of Government Medical College, Srinagar w.e.f. 04-01-2024 from 4:00PM onwards to 11-01-2024 upto 4:00PM only.
  3. Candidates are required to apply online through the official website of Government Medical College, Srinagar only.
  4. The requisite original documents Induding Domicile certificate issued by the competent authority on the format prescribed for the purpose must be produced at the time of document verification or as and when sought by the Selection Committee.
  5. The candidates are required to upload the Image of their recent photograph and specimen signature in (jpeg) format
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Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences Kashmir Job Vacancies 2024

Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences Kashmir Job Vacancies 2024

Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences Kashmir Job Vacancies 2024

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