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University of Kashmir, Department of Geography & Disaster Management Advertisement Notice

University of Kashmir, Department of Geography & Disaster Management Advertisement Notice

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Department of Geography & Disaster Management
University of Kashmir, Srinagar
(DST-FIST Sponsored and UGC-SAP DRS-II Assisted Department) No: F (ICSSR-Project) Geog./KU/23 Dated: 03-10-2023
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Applications on plain paper are invited from the eligible candidates for the following positions available in a purely time bound research project entitled “An evaluation of Self-Help Groups under Deendayal Antyodaya Yujana-National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) in Budgam and Ganderbal Districts of UT of J&K” sanctioned by ICSSR, New Delhi. The positions are temporary and co-terminus with the project.
S.No. Position
Number of Qualification Vacancies

  1. Research Associate 01
  2. Field Investigator 01
    M.A/M.Sc in Geography with 55% marks. NET /M.Phil/Ph.D. Preference will be given to the candidates having knowledge of Remote Sens- ing & GIS and experience in research including the time spent in Ph.D programme. M.A/M.Sc in Geography with 55% marks. Preference will be given to the candidates hav- ing knowledge of Remote Sensing & GIS.
    Applications along with photocopies of certificates/ transcripts and other documents indicating qualification, percentage of marks in the qualifying examination, age and experience (if any), must reach the office of the undersigned by or before 10th October 2023. The interview of the same shall be held on 13th of October, 2023 at 10.30 a.m. The contact details (mobile phone No., email id) may be mentioned in the application form. Fellowship/emoluments would be paid as per the norms of the funding agency.
    Note: No TA/DA shall be paid for appearing in the interview. For any query, mail at [email protected]
    Dr. Javeed Ahmad Rather
    (Project Director)
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University of Kashmir, Department of Geography & Disaster Management Advertisement Notice

University of Kashmir, Department of Geography & Disaster Management Advertisement Notice

University of Kashmir, Department of Geography & Disaster Management Advertisement Notice

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