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(A J&K Government Under taking)
1st Floor, Budshah Building. Lal Chowk, Srinagar, Kashmir, J&K Email:- [email protected]
IN: U70200JK20175GC010107)
Advertisement for the Post of General Manager (Public Transport Operations) in Srinagar smart City Limited.
Applications are invited for the appointment of the General Manager (Public Transport Operations) on Contractual / deputation basis in Srinagar smart city limited (SSCL) for operation of Public Transport (Electric Buses). For details including qualification, experience, remuneration, type of engagement and other terms and conditions; please visit our official website at www.srinagarsmartcity.in /careers.
The last date for receipt of application is 31/08/2023 by 4:00PM (As Notified Vide detailed advertisement No.03SSCL of 2023; Dated 11-08-2023).For any queries candidates are free to call on Mobile No.9419567450.
No: SSCL/CEO/ 23-24/3742
DIPK-NB-2584-23 Date: 13/8/23
Date: 11/8/23
(Iftikhar Ahmad Kakroo)
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