HomeBank JobsJob Opening: Recruitment of Local Bank Officer (LBO) 2025-26 at UCO Bank

Job Opening: Recruitment of Local Bank Officer (LBO) 2025-26 at UCO Bank

Job Opening: Recruitment of Local Bank Officer (LBO) 2025-26 at UCO Bank

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Organization: UCO Bank (A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Position: Local Bank Officer (LBO)

Advertisement No.: HO/HRM/RECR/2024-25/COM-75

Key Details:

Online Registration & Payment of Fees: 16-01-2025 to 05-02-2025

• Application Mode: Online only through UCO Bank Careers

Exam Date & Result Announcement: To be updated on the bank’s official website.

Vacancy Distribution:

State Mandatory Local Language Total Vacancies Category-Wise Distribution PwBD Reservation

Gujarat Gujarati 57 SC: 08, ST: 04, OBC: 15, EWS: 05, UR: 25 VI: 01, HI: 00, OC: 00, ID: 00

Maharashtra Marathi 70 SC: 10, ST: 05, OBC: 18, EWS: 07, UR: 30 VI: 01, HI: 01, OC: 00, ID: 00

Assam Assamese 30 SC: 04, ST: 02, OBC: 08, EWS: 03, UR: 13 VI: 01, HI: 00, OC: 00, ID: 00

Karnataka Kannada 35 SC: 05, ST: 02, OBC: 09, EWS: 03, UR: 16 VI: 01, HI: 00, OC: 00, ID: 00

Tripura Bengali/Kokborok 13 SC: 01, ST: 00, OBC: 03, EWS: 01, UR: 08 VI: 00, HI: 00, OC: 00, ID: 00

Sikkim Nepali/English 06 SC: 00, ST: 00, OBC: 01, EWS: 00, UR: 05 VI: 00, HI: 00, OC: 00, ID: 00

Nagaland English 05 SC: 00, ST: 00, OBC: 01, EWS: 00, UR: 04 VI: 00, HI: 00, OC: 00, ID: 00

Meghalaya English/Garo/Khasi 04 SC: 00, ST: 00, OBC: 01, EWS: 00, UR: 03 VI: 00, HI: 00, OC: 00, ID: 00

Kerala Malayalam 15 SC: 02, ST: 01, OBC: 04, EWS: 01, UR: 07 VI: 00, HI: 00, OC: 00, ID: 00

Telangana/Andhra Pradesh Telugu 10 SC: 01, ST: 00, OBC: 02, EWS: 01, UR: 06 VI: 00, HI: 00, OC: 00, ID: 00

Jammu & Kashmir Kashmiri 05 SC: 00, ST: 00, OBC: 01, EWS: 00, UR: 04 VI: 00, HI: 00, OC: 00, ID: 00

Total Vacancies: 250

Abbreviations: SC (Scheduled Caste), ST (Scheduled Tribe), OBC (Other Backward Classes), EWS (Economically Weaker Section), UR (Unreserved), PwBD (Persons with Benchmark Disabilities), VI (Visually Impaired), HI (Hearing Impaired), OC (Orthopedically Challenged), ID (Intellectual Disability).

Eligibility Criteria:

1. Proficiency in Local Language:

Candidates must be proficient in reading, writing, and speaking the local language of the state they are applying for.

2. Category Restrictions:

Candidates must apply only for the state they are eligible for.

No change of category will be allowed after registration.

Application Instructions:

1. Visit the UCO Bank website (Career Section).

2. Read the detailed advertisement and ensure you meet all eligibility criteria.

3. Follow the online registration process and pay the required application fees.

4. No hard copies of the application or other documents are to be sent.

Key Notes:

The vacancies are provisional and subject to change as per bank requirements.

The selection process includes an online examination and/or interview as applicable.

All updates and revisions will be posted on the UCO Bank website only.

Merely applying or appearing for exams does not guarantee employment.

For more jobs in Jammu and Kashmir, visit our website jkjobalerts.com.

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Job Opening: Recruitment of Local Bank Officer (LBO) 2025-26 at UCO Bank

Job Opening: Recruitment of Local Bank Officer (LBO) 2025-26 at UCO Bank

Job Opening: Recruitment of Local Bank Officer (LBO) 2025-26 at UCO Bank

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