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GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE, HANDWARA. Advertisement for Engagement of Faculty

GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE, HANDWARA. Advertisement for Engagement of Faculty

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Department of Health and Medical Education UT of J&K

[email protected]


Sub: Advertisement for Engagement of Faculty on Academic Arrangement Basis Under S.0. 364 of 2020 dated 27-11-2020 in Government

Medical College Handwara

Advertisement Notice No. 04 of 2023 Dated: 05-09-2023

In terms of S.0. 364 of 2020 dated 27-11-2020, application on prescribed format are invited from non-PSC/retired persons for engagement as Professors/Associate Professors on Academic Arrangement basis, initially for a period of one year, extendable up to a maximum of six years (one year at a time and subject to performance and good conduct) or till the selection/promotion is made on regular basis in accordance with rules of recruitment governing the respective posts by the PS/DPC whichever is earlier, in the below mentioned disciplines in Govt. Medical College Handwara. This is without any prejudice to any writ petition lying pending before any Hon’ble Court of law.


Minimum Qualification and Teaching Experience.

Maximum age at the time of submitting application form.

Professor As perthe eligiblity conditions prescibedvide Gout. Order M6. 672-KHME) (67) Years / (63) Years forDentsty

of 2022 Dated 19- 09-2022 (available on https://hme.jk.gov.in/)

Associate Asperthe eligibility conditions prescribed vide Govt Order No. 672-/K(HME) (67 Years / (63) Years for Dentistry

Professor of 2022 Dated 19- 09-2022 (available on https://hme.jk.gov.in/)

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GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE, HANDWARA. Advertisement for Engagement of Faculty

GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE, HANDWARA. Advertisement for Engagement of Faculty

GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE, HANDWARA. Advertisement for Engagement of Faculty

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