Shuhama (Alusteng ), Srinagar-190006.
Tele fax:- 0194-2262207
Subject: Walk-in-Interview for engagement as Veterinarian at ABC-AR, FVSc & AH, Shuhama
Application on plain paper alongwith the relevant supporting documents/credentials are invited | from desirous eligible candidates possessing qualification/s for pure contractual engagement as Veterinarian at ABC-AR for a period of six(06) months on monthly consolidated admissible remuneration, at ABC-AR Programme at FVSc. & AH, Shuhama for appearing in the Walk-in-Interview in off-line or on-line as the case may be on 3rd July, 2023 (Monday) from 10.30 a.m onwards in the office chamber of Dean, FVSc. & AH, Shuhama. The full length Advertisement Notice alongwith necessary details is appended to be made separately available on SKUAST-K Website
Interested candidates are accordingly informed to read carefully the said full Advertisement Notice available on the aforementioned Webpage of the Faculty to fully satisfy themselves in respect of eligibility requirements as indicated therein in their own interest before Walking in Interview
In case the candidates shall fail to read and satisfy themselves about the details contained in said full Advertisement Notice for their eligibility as indicated therein, they shall be themselves responsible for any consequence.
For any query, feel free to contact this office on 019402262207 during working days/hours (from 10.00 am to 5.00 p.m).