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Applications are invited for the engagement of Physical
Teacher required in the Cantonment Board School, (CBPS) Sonwar through outsourcing contractor on monthly honorarium basis.The applications on plain paper having requisite qualification along with photocopies & complete details of address and mobile no., mail id, if any, should reach the office of Badamibagh Cantonment Board, Srinagar-190004 latest by 27/11/2023.
Physical Teacher
B.P.Ed. Bachelor of Physical education
Selected candidates shall be paid EPF, ESIC etc. in addition to monthly remuneration.
Age;-Minimum 18 years as on 07.11.2023
Applications not meeting the prescribed criteria or without requisite documents shall be rejected out-rightly.
Candidates will be selected on Demo Skill Assessment and interaction by a penal constituted by the Chief Executive Officer, Badamibagh Cantonment Board for which date and time will be informed separately.
Sd/-Chief Executive Officer
Badamibagh Cantonment Srinagar
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