Home Govt Jobs Skuast kashmir,High Mountain Arid Agriculture Research Institute,DST-SEED Project JOBS 2023

Skuast kashmir,High Mountain Arid Agriculture Research Institute,DST-SEED Project JOBS 2023

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High Mountain Arid Agriculture Research Institute

DST-SEED Project

Post Box- 146, Leh-Ladakh

Email: skuastleh@gmail.com, skuastleh@yahoo.co.in

Phone :9622958966

Advertisement Notice

Applications on plain paper are invited from eligible candidates for the positions mentioned below for the project “Enhancing tribal livelihood through organic vegetable seed production in cold arid Ladakh UT” under DST-SEED programme. The application completes in all respects including qualification, publications, experience, contact no. email ID and an affixed recent passport size photoaraph should reach to the principal investigator’s office or by email:sonamphdscholar@amail.com/skuastleh@gmail. com within 15 davs from date of advertisement. The date and time of interview for the said positions shall be communicated through email/contact number to all the eligible candidates.

S. No

Name & Number of the position



Monthlv Emoluments

Project Assistant


Essential Oualification

BSc. Agriculture/Horticulture or allied subiect Experience in cold Arid Region

Rs.22,000/-permonth (Fixed)


Field worker


Essential Qualification

8th Pass

Experience in cold Arid Region

Rs.15000/-permonth (Fixed)

Other terms & conditions for appointment are available at universitv official website www.skuastkashmir.co.in


Dated: 11-08-2023

Dr Sonam Spaldon

Assistant Professor /Principal Investigator


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