Home Govt Jobs Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited NPCIL looking for Engineering Graduates

Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited NPCIL looking for Engineering Graduates

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Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited


NPCE, is a premier Public Sector Enterprise under the Administrative Control of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India having a comprehensive capshitity in all facets of Nuclear Technology namely Siting of NPPs, Design, Construction, Commissioning. Operation, Maintenance, Renovation, Modemication & Up-gradation, Plant Life Extension, Waste Management and Decommissioning of Nuclear Reactors in India, under one roof.

NFCIL is planning to recruit Engineering Graduates as Executive Trainces (ET-2024) in

Mechanical, Chemical,

Electrical, Electronica, Instrumentation and



interested candidates should possess valid GATE Score for the year 2022/2023/2024 in any of the disciplines mentioned above at the time of applying online in NPCIL.

Shortlisting of candidates for interview will be done based on the GATE Score. The detailed advertisement will be available on NPCIL wehsite www.apeileareera.co.in B www.apsil.nie.in tentatively within 10 days from the date of announcement of CATE-2024 results.

Candidates may viait httpa://rate2024.liac.ac.in or uny of the GATE zonnl websites of lise and UTs for detailed information on GATE 2024.

Any further informution /corrigendum/addendum would be uploaded only on the NPCIL websites mentioned above

NPCIL strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance

and women candidates are encouraged to apply, CBO 48133/120010/2334

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