Home JKSSB JKSSB Recruitment 2025: Apply for Junior Engineers (Electrical) in Power Development Department

JKSSB Recruitment 2025: Apply for Junior Engineers (Electrical) in Power Development Department

JKSSB Recruitment 2025: Apply for Junior Engineers (Electrical) in Power Development Department

Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) invites online applications for UT/Divisional Cadre posts of Junior Engineers (Electrical) from various Corporations of the Power Development Department.


The Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has received indents from J&KPTCL, JPDCL, KPDCL, and J&KPCL for filling up vacancies for Junior Engineers (Electrical) under direct recruitment.

Available Positions

S.NoName of the CorporationNo. of Posts
1J&K Power Transmission Corporation Limited92
2Jammu Power Distribution Corporation Limited60
3Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited129
4J&K Power Corporation Limited11

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Domicile: The candidate(s) seeking to apply for the advertised posts shall be domiciles of the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir and must possess a valid Domicile Certificate issued by the Competent Authority on or before the cut-off date.
  2. Age Limit: The age requirements for applying against these posts, as on 01.01.2025, are as follows:
CategoryMax. Age Limit in YearsNot Born BeforeNot Born After
Open Merit (OM)4001.01.198501.01.2007
Physically Challenged Person4201.01.198301.01.2007
Government Service/Contractual Employment4001.01.198501.01.2007
  1. Qualification: As per the Indent received from the Indenting Departments and the relevant Recruitment Rules, the qualification prescribed for the advertised posts is detailed in Annexure-A of the official notification.

Application Process

Eligible candidates are invited to apply online through the JKSSB website. The important dates for the application process are as follows:

Important Dates

  • Date of Commencement for Submission of Online Applications: 08.03.2025
  • Cut-off/Last Date for Submission of Online Application Forms: 07.04.2025

Further Information

For detailed terms and conditions, eligibility, educational qualification, domicile, reservation, and other criteria, refer to the JKSSB website.

Contact Information

For any queries, visit the official website: www.jkssb.nic.in

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