Home Govt Jobs Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers’ Co-operative Limited JOB VACANCY 2023

Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers’ Co-operative Limited JOB VACANCY 2023

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Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers’ Co-operative Limited

Milk Plant Cheshmashahi Srinagar (H.O.), Milk Plant Satwari Jammu (B.O.)

Telefax: -0194-2501786,0191-2450716


No.:-JKMPCL/ Corporate/ 2023-24/91

Dated: – 07-07-23


Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers’ Cooperative Ltd. (JKMPCL) is the apex dairy cooperative organization marketing Milk & Milk products under the brand name of ‘Snowcap’ with an annual turnover of more than ? 227 crores. We are looking for dynamic and hardworking personnel for Milk Plant Cheshmashahi, Srinagar. Applications are invited from eligible candidates, for the following posts in J&K Milk Producers’Co-operative Limited (Snowcap): –

S.No. Name ofpost

No. of

Qualification, roles & responsibilities


BMC Operator, Electrician &

Refrigeration Operator

4 (Four)

  • IT Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics/ Instrumentation.
    Candidates with at least 1-year dairy industry experience will be preferred.

The appointment shall be subject to the following terms & conditions: –

11. Applicants may forward their resume complete in all respects through email jobs@jkmpcl.coop by or before

20-07-2023 by 5.00 pm. Any resume received after stipulated date & time shall not be entertained.

2. Selected candidate will be posted in any part of the J&K as per requirement of organization.

genuine ads


(Gaurav Sharma)

Chief Executive Officer)

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