NO: AMI/SPR/2024-4907
Employment Notice
The President, Anjuman- Moin-Ut Islam Sopore is pleased to invite applications for eng gement of teachers for the session 2024-2025 purely on academic arrangement at Isiamia Migh School Sopore,
The qualification, mode of recruitment ete are as follows:
S. No | Post | Minimum Qualification |
01, | Teacher (English | P.O. In English with B.Ed. |
02. | Teacher (Math) | P.G. In Maths with B.Ed. |
03. | Teacher (Social Seience) | P.O. In History/ Geography! Political Science with B.Ed. |
04. | Teacher (Science) | B.Sc. Medical /Non-Medical with 5.Ed. |
05. | Teacher (Urdu) | P.G. In Urdu with B.Ed. |
06. | Teacher (Computer) | B.C.A |
07. | Teacher (Kashmiri) | P.O. In Kashmiri with B.Ed. |
08. | Teacher (Arabie / Islamiyat) | P.C. In Arabic / Islamiyat with B.Ed. |
09, | Physical Education Teacher | B. Ped, |
Mode.of.Selection Interview.and demenasratian
The qualified and interested conditates may register their condidature by submitting theis applisations Ny e Befare 23-03-2029in 100 affieo of Anjuman Meinal Istam, Jamia Maspa Sapore, deing the office hours with copies el the regoisite certifiestes. The interview and demonstration wil be held on 26-07-2934a1 11am onwans in the premises of Islamia 15g% Seneet, Jepal Market Sopore, The candidates whe fulfe the required salification » a respects only will be allewed to affend the interview. Per any further efarification feel fee» to contact en the feltowing No’s: 7086874569.8469808010,
Anjuman-t Moin-Ut Islam